Write some advantages of using MS office package software?

Chapter: 8 | Question: 1

Advantages of using MS office package software: 

     ⏩ Availability: One of the advantages of using Microsoft Word is that it is available practically everywhere. Word comes standard on many PCs. You can typically find it on your work computer, computers at school and your home PC.

     ⏩ Integration with Office Programs: Another benefit of using Microsoft Word is that it easily integrates with other Microsoft Office programs. For example, if you have a spreadsheet that you created on Microsoft Excel, you can easily paste it into a Word document.

     ⏩ Instant Help: While you are creating a document, Word also helps you make sure that it is the best it can be. When you misspell a word, Microsoft Word will immediately underline it. You can then click on the word and get suggested spellings.

    ⏩ Navigation Panel: Microsoft Word offers an easy-to-use navigation pane at the top. This allows you to see visual representations of many of the functions that you might need.

    ⏩ Document Flexibility: Word lets you create simple word-processing documents like letters and reports and make them as basic or as jazzed-up as you wish -- you can add color, use clip art, write in a variety of fonts and sizes, and use tables, borders and bullet formatting.  

Also Read: What is Microsoft Office package?

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